Ivi's Commissions Info


Base prices:

Flat Color SketchPainted SketchFully Rendered

General Info:

  • Yes to: original characters, fanart, humanoids, couples, mild gore, fantasy, sci-fi, simple color background.

  • Maybe to: anthro (I'm not well versed in it so it depends on the complexity), backgroud (depends on the complexity and the budget)

  • No to: nsfw, mecha

  • Additional character: +70%

  • Payment in EUR via Paypal after the rough sketch is approved and before I start rendering the art.

  • The customer is allowed up to 3 major edits during the sketching phase (e.g. pose/anatomy/design) free of charge, after which there will be a small fee depending on the request. Minor edits (e.g. small additions, quick color changes) are free of charge.

  • The customer will receive no refund if they cancel a commission once I've moved past the sketching phase.

  • The time I take to finish the commission varies from one week to one month depending on the complexity of the commission, schedule changes and the amount of orders in the queue. I will contact you if I need more time.

  • The finished piece will be sent via email. The customer will receive a full-resolution version and a web-friendly version.

Terms of Service: Read Carefully

  • Commissions are only for personal use, the customer cannot use the commissioned image(s) for their own profit.

  • If the customer shares the commission(s) online they must do so with credits to me or a link to my social media.

  • If I haven't moved past the rough sketch stage the customer can receive a full refund.

  • I reserve the right to decline any request for any reason.

  • I reserve the right to display any commissioned image(s) on any websites or my portfolio, unless otherwise specified.

  • I reserve full copyrights to the image(s) and its distribution and use, unless otherwise specified.

  • The customer cannot edit my signature and claim the art as their own.

  • I am against NFTs and AI, using my work for anything even remotely related to them is extremely prohibited.

How to Order:

  • Read the Terms of Service and email me at [email protected] with subject "Commission Request" to secure a slot and send me the details about the commission.

  • In the email provide me with visual references (e.g. reference art, your own sketches, picrews, screenshots from videogame character creators such as BG3 and Dragon Age, face claims and any image that can help me understand the vibe/color palette/hairstyle and outfit of the character), a detailed description and any notes about the character(s) and their personalty.

  • The customer can contact me via email or on Discord (that I will provide after accepting the commission) in order to ask about the ongoing process and for further questions and communication. I will also contact the customer myself from time to time to inform them of the process and send WIPs.






contact: [email protected]